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Horse Trails

Horse Trails

Thunderbird Lake - 1trailmeister added this area

Norman, OK

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Horse riders will enjoy the horse trails at Lake Thunderbird State Park in Oklahoma. Equestrian trails are located in the Clear Bay area and are open Wednesday through Sunday, cover four miles and feature 12 obstacles.

Scenic wooded and lakeview trails with 3 large loops and numerous connecting loops. Trails are sandy with no rocks – no shoes required.

Day riding only–open dawn to dusk daily. Picnic tables, water trough, 3 hitching rails and a mounting block with handrails.

11 trail obstacles including teeter totter, bridge gate, tarp box and log jumps.  Paved and grassy trailer parking. Restrooms nearby.

Honor box at entrance; no dogs on trails; $2/donation per rider.

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Land manager is Oklahoma state parks –

Negative Coggins papers are required.

Equestrian trails are open daily from dawn until dusk.