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Horse Trails

Horse Trails

Stony Brook Horse Camp - mrsmcarlson added this area

Side Lake, MN

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Minnesota’s Stony Brook Horse Camp near Side Lake offers horse riders miles of trails to enjoy and great camp to base rides out of.

Gorgeous trails! There are trails that accomodate 9 horses wide and single file in the same ride. Riding this area in autumn is spectacular! There are some hilly areas and some not. Shoes not needed unless your horse has tender feet, there are very few rocky areas. Some trails are completely grass covered and mowed, others are dirt track. The campsites are nicely kept. Water can be pumped by hand or with your generator. It\’s Minnesota so everyone is friendly. There is a large \’group\’ camping area in the middle and two high lines at each site. DNR presence is common. Some sites able to accommodate large LQ trailers. (42\’) (I suggest you walk in first.) There is a day use parking lot available.

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Pay at entrance for camping, first come, first served. Part of the George Washington State Forest. MN Trail Pass required, can be purchased at campground or online. Multi use trails. (Not a high traffic area.) Dogs allowed on leashes.

Land manager is George Washington State Forest –