Horse Trails
Horse Trails
Lundbom Lake - 1trailmeister added this area
Merritt, BC
×Driving Directions
Click the icon for directions in google.From Merritt, BC travel east on Hwy 5A /97C to Lundbom Lake Road. Watch for highway signs pointing to the lake. Turn onto the Lundbom Lake gravel road and continue driving to the lake for 20- 30 minutes
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×Driving Directions
Click the icon for directions in google.From Merritt, BC travel east on Hwy 5A /97C to Lundbom Lake Road. Watch for highway signs pointing to the lake. Turn onto the Lundbom Lake gravel road and continue driving to the lake for 20- 30 minutes
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This is a large and very beautiful lake area near Merritt, BC, Canada with lots of riding and horse camping.
Back Country Horsemen added 28 new corrals to Lundbom Lake in 2014. There are 56 forestry sites , firepits and picnic tables, Open May to Oct , no water bring your own. $12 a night miles of trails.
- Land manager is Ministry of Forests, Lands, & Natural Resource Operations.
Fee area - The 14 (double sized) corrals fill quickly, so it is recommended that you arrive early as the use of electric fences and/or high lining is not permitted.
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