Horse Trails
Horse Trails
Freeman Park at Carolina Beach - equinevetmed added this area
Wilmington, NC
×Driving Directions
Click the icon for directions in google.Unloading of vehicles associated with horseback riding will be allowed between October 1st and March 31st at Public Parking Lots located at 1706 Canal Dr. and 1810 Canal Dr. (if spaces are available), or on private property in the vicinity of this area with the permission of the Town Manager. Paid parking is still in effect for the month of October during which visitors parked in the Town’s parking lots are responsible for purchasing parking. Visitors with horse trailers are expected to purchase enough parking for the number of spaces that their vehicle occupies.
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×Driving Directions
Click the icon for directions in google.Unloading of vehicles associated with horseback riding will be allowed between October 1st and March 31st at Public Parking Lots located at 1706 Canal Dr. and 1810 Canal Dr. (if spaces are available), or on private property in the vicinity of this area with the permission of the Town Manager. Paid parking is still in effect for the month of October during which visitors parked in the Town’s parking lots are responsible for purchasing parking. Visitors with horse trailers are expected to purchase enough parking for the number of spaces that their vehicle occupies.
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Equine visitors have long enjoyed the beach area known as Freeman Park. Horse riders are drawn to the beautiful beach with its variety of wildlife, dunes and majestic sea grasses indigenous to the region.
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