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October 2016 Newsletter

Tips for Fall Trail Rides

Fall is one of my seasons to ride. The colors, the brisk breezes, and the lack of bugs and humidity make this a fabulous time to go out for a long ride. Every time of the year brings its own set of considerations to a trail ride and Fall is no different. Here are my top tips for a fab fall ride!
fall.pngLayers are the Answer when the Weather is Changing

Night and mornings are becoming brisker just as quickly as the nights are becoming longer. Be sure to dress in layers to accommodate for cooler temps in the morning followed by summer-ish temps is the afternoon. 

Fear the Flying Monsters when Winds are Blowing

Falls changing temps often bring along breezes to carry horse eating leaves. My animals sometimes act as though the woods are full of equine eating monsters at this time of the year. Where we see glorious golds and scarlets our horses are seeing flying monsters. 

Know how to Find the Trail when Leaves Obscure it

What last week was a clear trail through the woods may now be hidden beneath a golden carpet of fallen leaves. Unless the trail is well signed you might find yourself late for dinner if you become disoriented. Make sure that bring along some sort of navigation aid (I think a traditional map and compass is the best) and the knowledge to use it. 

Beware the Bugs That are Still Here

The mosquito and fly populations are starting to fall and trail crossing spider webs are becoming somewhat less common. One insect that hasn’t quite wrapped up their season yet are the yellow jackets. Peak yellow jacket activity occurs in late summer and early fall as their food interests switch from protein to sweets (which is why you see them buzzing around soda cans). They are also becoming more aggressive as they prepare for a long winter.

Learn to Love Blaze Orange

Fall is ushered in with leaves of golden hues and jackets of blaze orange. With hunters in the fieldcomes the need to be more alert and informed. Know which trails are in hunting areas and also know which riding are closed to hunting. Regardless of whether hunting is permitted or not it’s a very good idea to be seen so brush the dust off the orange and wear it.

tm_logo.jpgTrailMeister is the GO-TO trail tool for horse riders and groups across the nation. Many horse and mule groups have made TrailMeister their trail directory of choice and given thier members use of the most comprehensive data base of equine trails and camps across North America.

If you’re looking for new places to ride and stay you’ll find the best information at TrailMeister .  Accurate trail and trailhead data, driving directions, GPS tracks, and much more TrailMeister will help you keep your adventures on the trails, not getting to them.

As always a HUGE THANK YOU to all of the fabulous companies that keep TrailMeister  available for all to use and enjoy!





Featured Review – EquestriSafe ID Band

Have you ever wondered what might or could happen to your horse if the two of you were separated? Whether a horse wanders away, gets loose at home, or has to be evacuated during an emergency some type of identification is a must if you’re to be confident about being reunited.

In the past I’ve used indelible markers on hooves as well as paint and grease markers on hide. There’s a better way to let someone know who a strange animal belongs to. The EquestriSafe Fetlock ID Band.

This wonderful product can be described in four words.

Durable. Visible. Safe. Affordable.

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Featured Trail – Panjab Trailhead- WA

The Panjab trailhead is the starting point for adventures of any length within the Wenaha Tucannon Wilderness area in southeast Washington Sttate. 

With multiple feed bunks, picnic tables, stock water, and a toilet, the Panjab is an excellent trailhead from which to start a visit into the wilderness.

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GPS Tracks of the Month – Anita Alta

Let’s call on the eastern seaboard for a fab GPS route out of the Anita Alta Horse Camp near Lenoir, North Carolina. 

Anita Alta offers horse riders mile upon mile of trails and a very well appointed place to stay!

TrailMeister readers have uploaded 22 wonderful rides from Anita Alta! Enjoy!

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Featured Article of the Month – Tail Ribbons Clarifying the Color Code

As Published in The Northwest Horse Source, September 2015

Ribbons are for more than wrapping gifts. These colorful pieces of fabric can be purely decorative, utterly functional, or a combination of both. For us in the equine world ribbons can go far beyond the cerulean hued that signifies a first place finish. A ribbon found tied to a horse’s tail can tell us a lot about the beast at a glance. 

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October Events

Mark your calendar for the 14th at the Fire Mountain Trail Course in Sedro-Wooley, WA

During the course of the weekend trail riders and aspiring trail riders will learn how to make their dreams a reality. 

We’ll teach you how to plan for next year’s rides, set up camp, plan for emergencies and much much more!  

Click here for the full October Event Calendar 

Have an event that you’d like to share? Click on the Submit Event button and get the word out.

Happy Trails!