How to Build a Practice Mule
Parts List to Build a Practice Mule:
- Plastic 5 gal barrel
- 6” wedge cut from barrel creates a more mule shaped profile. Oval vs round.
- Plywood ovals glued and screwed at both ends create structure to attach legs, head, and tail to.
- Head is cut from plywood with angle iron braces at base of neck. These slide into grooves cut into 2×3 boards attached to neck end of barrel
- Legs are 2×4’s
- Cut top and bottom to desired length and angle.
- Tail is sisal rope that has been unraveled.
- Hoofs are Cavallo boots
- Latches to securely hold barrel together when in use or transport.
- One front and one back
- Bolts to hold legs
- 2 for each leg with wing nuts for easy assembly and break down.
- Ears are strips of fire hose cut into triangles
I hope that Blue has inspired you to further develop your mule packing skills and knowledge, and helps you enjoy a lifetime of equine adventures!
- Latch
- Oval shape of mule and shoulders
- Blue in Action
- Blue in action
- Blue’s feet
- Loaded with a decker
- Sisal tail
- legs and head attached
- Wild ride
- Attaching legs
- Head assembly
- Cutting ovals for ends of body
- Blue at work
- Cutting wedge out to make oval mule body
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