
Smoke Rise Ranch Clinics - Glouster Ohio

Date: 03/29/2018 - 03/31/2018
Location: Smoke Rise Ranch
Contact: N/A
Event Flyer: N/A
Event Host: N/A


Ohio – Smoke Rise Ranch – March 29-30-31 For Information: 740-767-2624
    • ABC’s of Trail Riding – From A to Xenophon we’ll discuss what you need to think about BEFORE you hit the trail.
    • Getting Back to Camp in Time for Dinner – Land Navigation for Equestrians
      • The Needle Points Where? – Trail Riders “know” that a compass points north. Or does it? The wrong answer can make you very late for dinner.
      • Those Wavy Crazy Lines – Trail Riders; Learn to view a map in 3-D, no glasses required.
    • Horse Camping 101 – Let’s talk about tips for getting the most out of your camping trips this summer.
    • Highline How To’s – Learn the art of setting up a highline without gadgets or gizmos.
    • When the Sh@t Hits the Fan –Are you prepared for when “Just a Day Ride” becomes much much more?
    • Steps that can Save your Life if the Worst Happens During a Ride – Make your trail rides safer by examining a harrowing horse wreck and discussing what went right as well as what went wrong.