
Giddy Up Girls Ride

Date: 05/13/2016 - 05/15/2016
Location: Midwest Trail Ride
Contact: N/A
Event Flyer: N/A
Event Host: N/A


Giddy Up Girls Ride!! Free event and pitch in supper for women Join us for a weekend of fun and fellowship for Women. Get to know each other, find a riding buddy, laugh and share your horse stories, special cowgirl fellowship during Church in the Dining Hall with Trina Hanner at 9:00am for those that wish to attend. Friday Night: Saturday : 6:00pm Saturday night pitch in dinner in Dining hall — please bring something to share. 7:00pm Saturday night get acquainted time…..share your trail stories where you have been, always wanted to go, etc. Also, a fun gift exchange if you want to participate bring a gift of around $15 UN-WRAPPED and after you share your story you get to select a gift. Sunday Morning 9:00am Cowgirl Church with Trina Hanner officiating. Everyone welcome to Cowgirl Church. Special serviced focused on the Women of the bible. Maybe even a trail ride…who knows?!